TIL the so-called 'Autism Epidemic' isn't an epidemic at all but rather an increase in reported incidents due to a growing awareness of autism and changes to the condition’s diagnostic criteria.

I was working in a restaurant and a disabled guy came in. He was wearing a helmet and being pushed in a wheelchair by his sixty year old mother. At some point he started screaming and flailing his arms around, and his mother wrapped his entire head in a towel and tried to soothe him. I asked someone what was wrong with him and they said he was a regular and he had autism.

Now that's a real thing. It's a palpable disability that needs a name. It is not the same fucking league as some kid who isn't very good at making eye contact. The criteria for that diagnosis have become too vague and all-encompassing. You can't just say it's on a spectrum or anyone could have it.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - scientificamerican.com