TIL there was a briefly popular social movement in the early 1930s called the "Technocracy Movement." Technocrats proposed replacing politicians and businessmen with scientists and engineers who had the expertise to manage the economy.

well you proved me right, you didn't understand even the basics of the solution which i provided :)

as i said again, science is important, but the problem is much deeper. and as i said, each of those things i said individually, right now, are bad solutions. but together, they are the first step to solving corruption and backwardness.

(so for example: communism would be bad, because it's shit for economy, direct democracy is bad because people are dumb and will make bad decisions, heavy welfare model would stop people from working->economic collapse, giving science actual political power would just corrupt it completely)

i dont think trump said he wants to clear debts by printing money. i would be a bernie supporter if i was american, but if bernie cannot be elected, then the step backward would be hillary, not trump. trump is actually not that bad. it is a wake up call of political correctness and indestrualized corruption. i believe trump will be assassinated in like 2 years (or will "die in a random heart attack due to old age"), but he is a step forward.

let me give you an example: i am an atheist. i have my reasons for it. so from my point of view if an atheist is arguing with a religious person, then the atheist must be correct, right?


it doesn't matter what you believe, what matters is WHY you believe that. if the atheist says "there is no god because i didn't see it" that argument is weaker than the religious ones, especially since religion even says that god won't show himself directly. so despite the atheist being right, he is wrong in the argument.

and you are similar in that regard, you are on the correct side (science's side) but im telling you, what you said won't solve anything in itself. actually would make things worse.

and trump is similar too. he is not perfect (so is not hillary or bernie) but still has better "arguments" (meaning = he is still better) than hillary, and probably on the same level as bernie. (same level because in some things trump is right, some things bernie is right)

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org