TIL that there is a "glut" of pet parrots in the US due to them outliving humans

Birds are terrible pets for most people. They are flock animals, so they need to be with or around you all the time or they will get upset and start screaming. This isn't a dog whine, it's a piercing scream that can't be ignored, your neighbours neighbours will be complaining. If you leave them in a cage all day they get terrible anxiety and pick all their feathers out, get an infection and die. Their is debate about clipping wings feathers to remove the ability to fly, which is ridiculous because its taking away its primary mode of movement... how happy would you be without your feet? If you leave the flight feathers on you have to be careful and bird proof your house. Open windows, stove tops, other pets are a few things to watch for for. They are also smart as fuck. So it's like having a two year old kid with the intelligence of a four year old, that will live 65+ years.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - petmd.com