TIL two esteemed scientists suspected time traveling culprits to be sabotaging mankind's discovery of the Higgs boson.

From the article

"Nielsen and Ninomiya's theory represents one side of an intellectual divide between particle physicists today. Contemporary physicists tend to fall into one of two camps: the theorists, who posit ideas about the origins and workings of the universe; and experimentalists, who design telescopes and particle accelerators to test these theories, or provide new data from which novel theories can emerge. Most experimentalists believe that the theorists, due to a lack of new data in recent years, have reached a roadblock — the Standard Model, which is the closest thing the theorists have to an evidence-backed "theory of everything," provides only an incomplete explanation of the universe. Until theorists get further data and evidence to move forward, the experimentalists believe, they end up simply making wild guesses — like those concerning time-traveling saboteurs — about how the universe works."

It's more that we've made a bunch of good theories (theoretical science) and now we're waiting on experimental science (That is the guys who actually make and test things) to prove and disprove things.

In the meantime a bunch of crazy theories with little to no evidence have been emerging from the theoretical side, based of unproven theories and untested ideas so statistically a lot are going to be wrong. Experimental science should guide theoretical science and help refine it with what we can prove, and then experimental science should use those theories in turn. Instead we have a bit of a divide with a LOT of theories but not the data or tech to try them out. And then we get crazy wild theories building off theories with little hard evidence and so on. There's probably some human psyche reason for it I guess.

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