Today my coworker and I were reprimanded for having a good time while doing our job.

I once worked in an office where we had a little lunch room barely big enough for all the staff. Despite the cramped room, we still all liked to take our lunch break in there together and chat.

Our office manager, who we called Mr. McCreepney, would eat at his desk. (He earned his nickname because he would sneak into our cubicles so quietly behind us while we would be working diligently without noticing him creeping over. He would stand over one of us poor souls, look over our shoulder for who knows how long, and then whisper into our ear some comment about our work, utterly terrifying us half the time because we didn't realise he was there until he did his creepy whisper).

One day I guess we were having too nice of a visit over lunch, funny stories were being told and we were laughing. After that lunch we got a warning from Mr. McCreepney that laughing in an office was unprofessional and it would affect our annual performance reviews if we did it again.

Our office was always closed/door locked over lunch so no one could just walk in while we were back there, no clients could see us or hear us "being unprofessional". It was our unpaid break time. We just wanted to enjoy it, but apparently that was not allowed.

/r/antiwork Thread