Tons more footage of the Evergreen State College takeover. Dozens of students surrounding different faculty and calling them racist. About mid video student tells white college head that her people were building these cities before whites came out of caves to applause.

Is ridiculous to be scared of political activism in college though

I mean sure this is a shitshow, but most colleges ( at least here in Europe, but I think the US is prolly the same ) have a very organized kind of political activism where you can easily avoid it if you wish so.

Plus the kind of political activism we do is actually important, including protests for ridiculous education reforms, gathering money or food for charities, or helping refugees to accommodate better in the country. I am lefty though so I am biased.

Something that separates our colleges from American ones though is that because ours is almost free, working class kids like me get into it more easily, which directs our activism to more important issues I think.

The problem in this video is pure entitlement, not " 98% acceptance ". You guys need more down to earth people in college.

/u/drunkentune you seem to know about academic issues, why is American high education such a shitshow when it comes to protesting?

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