Topical, but factual: Mothers kill more kids in the USA than kids that die from gun injuries there. No, you read that correctly. But there's no talk of "Toxic Femininity" in America....

And dont forget-these women arent just killing random kids-they are killing their OWN kids(!!) Shocking statistical proof shows this.

Risk of death by gun in America estimated at 7.9 per 100,000 people.

Risk of death by own mother in America estimated at 8 per 100,000 people.

And mothers killing their kids statistically get LESS jail time than fathers who do it.

And mothers killing their kids get statistically LESS death sentences than fathers who do it.

DONT let femtrolls come into this post and try to divide us by turning it into a gun rights debate-this is NOT about that, and thats a political debate for a political sub.

This is about the hype in the media blaming "toxic males" for everything while deliberately ignoring the shocking facts right in front of us where they point to Toxic femininity.

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