[Toronto] I called 911 last night, and was taken to the hospital.

1) I have never ever said "the illness was enough to cause a panic attack". I said that I had an illness, and that I also had a panic attack. I never described my panic attack in such a patronizing way, as if it's silly to get a panic attack from "the illness alone".

2) Many things "could cause" panic. Maybe something else will happen that gives me a panic attack, who the fuck knows? How dare you assume things about my mental health, and act like I am prone to panic attacks and anxiety? The panic attack I had the first night was a rare occurrence, so no, it's very highly, extremely unlikely that I'll have another panic attack like you desperately seem to want me to.

3) Yes, I got IV at the ER, so I feel better. How does that in any way change the fact that I already feel a lot better? Lmao. I'm not a dumbass, I know there is no "cure" for the stomach flu, and I know that I am not 100% better. I did say that I still have some mild nausea and tingling in my legs. Are you wishing that I'm suffering, just so your "CALM DOWN OR U WILL GET ANOTHER PANIC ATTACK" prediction can come true? Lol sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not.

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