TotalBiscuit's Co-Optional podcast where he bashes Ben Kuchera and VG247 is up

Blurring is legally irrelevant.

No it isn't, it's the same reason TV shows and such can have naked people on screen but blur or black bar the parts that can't be shown. That way they aren't actually distributing nudity or whatever.

Dan had been in contact with the authorities, and his blog is still up, he is legally in the clear.

The fact is you obviously don't really believe that what he downloaded was cp

I believe CP is posted and sought after on 8chan and it hosts images that exist on the edge of actual legality. Dan blog was meant to expose that and it did.

you are disingenuously using that as ammunition against 8chan while defending Olson for something that would technically be hosting cp if his claims were true.

You didn't read his blog, he makes a case that the images of "child models" border on illegal to outright illegal and that the image boards themselves exist to collect and distribute child porn. Dan Olson isn't the one begging on image boards for sexy images of children so they can live out their sexual fantasies.

What Dan Olson showed on his blog was not illegal, what Dan Olson found on 8chan was. Dan Olson posting screen shots with illegal parts blurred out to expose 8chan was not illegal.

The very fact that you are trying to find some way to discredit Dan for his actions while defending 8chan is the saddest thing I have ever seen. I am not a person from Ghazi, I have never tried to claim all people from GG are harassers or whatever, I am just against what the movement does. But you, and all the people upvoting or defending the accusation that Dan Olson is the pedophile here are completely irredeemable.

You want to pretend 8chan isn't hosting illegal child porn, fine. It's doing everything it can to get as close to those illegal images as possible while creating a space people know images that break the law will be posted but possible removed eventually. Child Porn gets posted all over the internet, but people going to Gotcha Force message boards aren't hoping and expecting to find it. When people go to those 8chan boards, that is what they are looking for.

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