
I really wonder how people who supposedly hold Jesus and his gospel so dear can exhibit such a fundamental lack of understanding of everything he said.

Vengeance for a perceived slight, especially one as benign as using one's name as an exclamation, is exactly the kind of thing Jesus would spend an entire chapter preaching against. When he talks about not taking the name of God in vain, he's talking about using God's name as an appeal to authority to make yourself look better, which was a common practice by the time Jesus came around.

Even if Jesus thought it was wrong to say his name flippantly, it flies in the face of everything he ever said to assault someone and demand they ask for forgiveness. If anything, Jesus would have chewed this person out for trying to use his name to make themselves feel superior.

He does get pretty heated when he forces the merchants, moneylenders, etc. out of the Temple of Jerusalem, but that's precisely because they used his "Father's house" for their own personal gain, at the expense of those weaker than them.

/r/insanepeoplefacebook Thread Link - i.redd.it