I triggered a beta the other day

You sound like a triggered beta. This story has value, after this he may isolate himself even more or fight to improve.

I was that kind of beta, refused to socialize for numerous reasons, but this was one of them, the social competition and the bragging. If I was his beta friend I would cut contact with OP, not improving myself but removing his ability to pour his social superiority over me. Being asocial and a loner removes the ability for other to use their social power on you. Yet here I am trying to get back into the society somehow or at least get something from life, after telling to myself that I'm gonna kill myself and never integrate society.

OP it is unclear whether you want to help him, crush him or just do your thing, but if you care about helping you should give him a link to this sub and save him some years of his life. If you do make sure you explain to him that your goal isn't to hurt him but to act as an electroshock thus helping him. He's not ready yet to accept the competitive nature of reality and needs some coating.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent