Trudeau wants next RCMP boss to be a woman or someone with experience on aboriginal file, sources say

For Canada to become more equal in terms of gender, that would mean at least a subtle decline in the power and success of males in certain arenas in general as women in general become more powerful and successful in those arenas. That also works the other way around though, ie. more male pediatricians and day care workers.

For Canada to become more diverse in terms of culture/race, that would mean at least a subtle decline in the power and success of white people in general as minorities in general become more powerful and successful. That also works the other way around, again in the arenas that minorities are currently over represented in.

So i guess technically "equality is women" and diversity is "non-white", it also makes your analogy garbage. Even if your lazy (which you are) and just read the headline, completely unconcerned about the possibility of poor quoting and potentially poor sources, your analogy still makes no sense. A totalitarian, fascist government isn't comparable to a government that's seems a little to invested in cultural diversity and gender equality. But then again, white genocide right?

Maybe Trudeau has been guilty in the past of sacrificing a bit of competence in the name of diversity, (and probably, more importantly, being able to campaign on it later) but jumping on him now for these statements, especially considering how they've been twisted and the fact its from "sources", is ridiculous.

The issues between the RCMP and native communities should be well known to anyone who frequents this sub for anything other then bitching about Wynne and Trudeau. Furthermore the advantage of having someone in charge of the RCMP who has the familiarity and experience with these issues that a native woman would have is extremely invaluable. This is clearly something that's already important to both the government and the RCMP as highlighted by their appointment of Brenda Butterworth-Carr, ("The first aboriginal woman to oversee the RCMP in B.C.").

Acting like wanting to have someone with that background in charge is a bad idea, since they wont be qualified, BEFORE THE PERSON HAS BEEN SELECTED IS DUMB.

Apparently Trudeau is the worst PM in Canadian history, so you'd think there would be plenty of subject matter available to bitch about, yet here you are, complaining about things that HAVEN'T HAPPENED.

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