Trump blames airport chaos on 'tears of Senator Schumer'

Actually no, and genuinely - to put the shitposting aside, I completely understand how you feel. If I may break down your comment which I agree with - I have a few long winded things to get off my chest. The point i'd like to make though is that scrolling through the articles and comments on r/politics theres is near universal agreement, an almost mirror image of r/the donald and I dont presume to know the demographic makeup here, the point of view here seems to extend to the majority of my generation. Not so long ago I considered my own political point of view extremely progressive - and to your point about me never changing my beleifs, well, over the last few years I really have. To you, someone disagreeing here is sort of annoying, a little bit frustrating or whatever, but to 'trump supporters' theres a huge social risk involved with the opposite opinion. People have their lives ruined for their politics, and that may feel justified - I dont think it is, but regardless, thats why its so toxic. Thats exactly it, people feel marginalised by how their point of view is framed, and they wont engage. Also, at least in my opinion, good discussion involves argument. I take you not so much to mean argument but to mean an angry response, and yeah thats probably right. From the other side, it doesnt seem like people want to engage with it at all, and the way Trump, right wing or conservative politics, are framed in most media as inherently suspect, evil, nazi, the people who hold those views are not engaged with, and tend to become shitposters. Thanks

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