Trump meeting on MS-13 gang draws supporters, protests

OK, not sure which problem you keep referring to in your first sentence, illegal immigration, MS13 or gangs?

Illegal immigration is the problem I'm referring to.

If you believe gang, violence and drug problems are solely due to not deporting, you're wrong.

Never said that, and I don't believe it.

If you think we haven't been deporting MS13 members for decades, you're wrong. They've been specifically targeted for deportation (if illegal) since 2006.

Never said that. Don't believe it.

If you think illegal immigrants are here because they haven't been deported, you're technically correct.

I do think this. And I agree I'm correct.

A lot of people take advantage of cheaper building construction costs (like Trump has for decades), less expensive home improvement costs (why you think homes are cheaper in Texas and roofing repairs aren't as much), less expensive fruits and vegetables at the grocery store, etc... So unless you grow your own food, built your house yourself and don't take advantage of any buildings without inspecting every person involved in its construction, you're part of the problem too.

I don't build buildings. But, even if I did, I wouldn't kill myself, or put myself out of business, or live in the woods over this issue. That's close to insanity. Imagine if every person lived in the woods, every time they disagreed with something their government did. BLM would have to go live in the woods, as a whole... for fear of supporting this white-patriarchal society.

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