Trump nominee Sam Clovis: 'As far as we know' homosexuality's a choice, 'logical' LGBT protections could lead to legalization of pedophilia

I agree with you for the most part.

I think that battle of 'choice vs birth' is a wasteful battle.

Looking at history shows many culture, great example Romans, where sexuality seemed more fluid and acceptable. Having orgy with girls and guys all together, many depiction of various cultures have showed those kind of images. Ultimately we have an innate desire to breed which may be the primary driving factor for heterosexuality but I also believe culture has a very strange influence on that.

I believe being gay isn't black and white nor is human sexuality and culture may have a big influence. Therefore gays could very well choose while some feel born with it. Who knows, maybe they are bi and never explored the other side due to cultural preferences, when they do they find a the same gender has more in common with them and they believe this is there default. Whats wrong with that? They also deserve rights. Especially if it turns out in general human sexuality is a lot more fluid. The only reason we care is cause of the fictional construct we have made called exclusive dating and marriage. We have created the expectations of man and woman. Thats not something we are born with, maybe definitely inclined or instinctual to mate with one but not to be partners for life. Our ancestors history has definitely shown that humans and monogamous relationships are probably not natural.

So if we fight for gays rights cause they are born with it but they turn out some do in fact choose on some levels, do we go again to stop discrimination from the 'choosers' ? What happens when all of society accepts these different forms of sexual preferences that when it does turn out some do choose, will even gays go after gays that 'choose'? Some may say 'who would choose to be bullied! to be harassed!'...we have a pretty good contemporary history to show that. Gothics, punks, 'nerds' that embrace the nerdy tv shows or 'anime' ect. They then wear it to school or talk about it online...even though they get made fun of for it. People have forever fought against the idea of being pushed out of their freedom. We often choose to do stuff outside the norm that we know people will look at us funny or say stuff but we do it cause we like it.

Was that one kid born to love my little pony? So Bronies can't POSSIBLY choose that, they must be born that way, who would choose to be bullied? See how such logical arguments fall and end up hurting the overall message.

If people want to love let them love. They are asking to love another person who is also an adult that both consent, that want to spend time. This country was built on the ideas of your freedom to pursue happiness. Not freedom to pursue if you were born with that desire.

So if we attack this idea that gays aren't by choice and therefore pedophilia argument is wrong? Such a bad stance. Instead yes being gay could be a sorta of choice or it could be birth. But sexuality abusing someone has nothing to do with the discussion of various forms of sexual preferences and choice of partners.

Its disgusting people somehow make that logical jump.

Anyways. Wanted to type that out for a while when I see this subject come up. It relates tangibly to yours. I just appreciate that you were willing to look it both sides, that we may not find a 'gay gene'. But ultimately we love thy neighbor.

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