Trump’s “shithole” comments were the most openly racist by a president in decades, historians say

Okay, so which is it? Are they taking advantage of a legal loophole you don’t like, or are they illegal? It can’t be both.

Actually it can be, and in fact, IS. Thats the nature of the loophole - its illegal and legal at the same time. Our agreement with USA says refugees must claim in country they land in - that is, haitans must claim in USA if they come from usa. They cant come from haiti into usa as legal temp immigrants, then 10 years later claim they are suddenly refugees, and go from usa to canada. Thats illegal. That's on TOP of illegally crossing the border. On the other hand, our global UN refugee treaty says any refugee landing counts as legal. There is no clear supremacy of one treaty over another, and figuring it out is fucking complicated. Its being worked on, but it will take years, and USA is only glad haitans are self-deporting to wherever, so there's no help there.

You’re mad at refugees, who literally don’t have anywhere to go

They do. First, they are not refugees, they are economic migrants. We, unlike you, take REAL refugees from syria and elsewhere, we can tell the difference, thanks. Second, they can go back to haiti or el salvador or whatever - which is the thing they are supposed to do, thats the condition based on which you gave them temp status in the first place. We as canadians dont agree to have an open border with you lot if you cant enforce your own fucking immigration laws and at the end dump them on us. Get your shit together, or we will build our own fucking wall to keep your illegals out of canada.

Well, as long as he’s a racist, his chances of fixing your problem...

are completely not dependent on his personal beliefs, but on his ability to drive a bargain through congress.

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