Trump team - Communist Trojan Horse

Just wait and watch. It’s a long game - started with Obama! Hillary, Bernie, McConnell, AOC etc. are all part of the conspiracy and mere distractions.

First, you have to create hatred for capitalism, globalism and the Democratically elected leaders (Trump #notmypresident, Biden #notmypresident). Focus on economically low class citizens!

Second, you keep throwing communist ideas and see what stick!

Third, you divide the people (mainly economically - not by race, gender, religion) and slowly take away their freedoms.

Fourth, you keep implementing more government support programs, give free stuff to the low class citizens (Don’t forget, Trump started giving federal $$, started moratoriums, etc. and Biden continued it), and have the low class citizens rely on the government.

Fifth, let the low class citizens (from all political spectrums - including far left, far right) revolt after their freebies stop and their freedoms taken away.

Sixth, the leader (Biden or Trump or anyone else) would come in as savior and arrest/remove the dissidents, give $$ to people. Have them support their Authoritarian rule. The likes of Trump would have a deal with Russia and not with China. The likes of Biden would make deals with China and not Russia.. both Russia and China have backdoor deals with each other. Lol

Basically, the final goal is to make USA government a Puppet of communist giants so they cannot stop their trade partnerships with the communist giants.

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