Trump Totally Loses It After NYT Tax Scoop: Rambles About Movies, Tells Supporters to "Watch" Voters in "Certain Areas"

Except that it would be falling apart for us as well. And by 'us' I mean the western world. Possibly the entire world. When Rome fell it marked the beginning of the Dark Ages. If America was to fall the impact would be worse.

Think I'm over-reacting? I might be. I hope I am. I would like to believe that IF Trump is elected, America will realize its mistake pretty quickly. I would like to believe that the Checks and Balances built into the Constitution will work as intended. But I'm not sure that they will. I'm not sure they even can.

One thing the Constitution didn't take into consideration was the Executive Order. Although its impact is limited to that of Federal agencies (specifically those agencies in the Executive Branch) but within that scope its powers are virtually unchecked. If Trump were to issue an Executive Order to ICE to round up all illegal immigrants and send them to Canada then ICE would be bound by law to do so. I'm simplifying things a bit (it would likely take more than one executive order, but you get the idea).

A second problem with the Constitution is that there are insufficient checks on the President's power over the armed forces. As Commander and Chief of the America's military Trump can mobilize the National Guard, march it into Harlem and round up every black person who refuses to kneel. Which says nothing about what he could do abroad. Within a year of Trump's inauguration, the country would be in revolt (and possibly under attack). President Trump could do so much damage around the world. It is honestly scary to even contemplate what he could do. Again, I'm over-generalizing and simplifying but you get the idea.

Within four years of Trump's inaugeration America could easily fall.

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