Trump wants to deport all illegal immigrants from the U.S. At Wed. night's debate, Jake Tapper asked Trump how much it would cost the feds to carry out his plan. Trump babbled off nonsense and did not give an answer. Tapper did not point out that Trump refused to tell voters a dollar amount cost.

It is not just a matter of immigration officers. It would be local government and law enforcement, tens of thousands of judges and accompanying lawyers and paper work. Logistical nightmares of providing food, shelter, and transportation during proceedings. Legal nightmares involving children born here plus unraveling the housing, property and businesses owned by illegals. The collapse of rental markets, sky rocking meat, vegetable and fruit as businesses as agriculture scrambled for replacement workers. A stupendous mess.

And all this is Trump's fault? Or the fault of the people who let it happen?

You're literally saying Trump is the devil because some people came here illegally and he says the law states they must go and as president he will make sure the law is enforced.

It is, simply put, a stupid idea because a certain segment of the population is obsessed with getting a pound of flesh.

What you're doing is separating the population based on who wants to uphold the law and who doesn't. It's not about a "pound of flesh" if according to the law, that's what is supposed to happen. Why do we enforce certain laws and don't enforce certain ones? True some laws are extremely stupid. But wanting people illegally in your country to leave is not one of them, no matter how sadistic it is.

When Child Protective Services separate a family and child for many reasons, you don't blame them. When a cops arrest someone for a mass shooting you don't blame the cops. Suddenly one other law wants to be enforced and you're blaming the enforcers?

The idea is stupid like you claim, but it's not Trump's fault that it is. If suddenly all immigrants decided to perform a coup and started killing American citizens, Trump's idea will suddenly make sense to you. Why? Because at that point in time you've decided it should. It's stupid because Trump says it. If there was an immigration insurgence, suddenly Trump's proposal would be the best idea ever brought up.

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