Bernie Sanders On Cutting The Deficit: "Every Major Defense Contractor Has Been Convicted Of Fraud"

I went to a top five university for my major, a private school, and didn't pay a dime for tuition. Instead of drinking, getting high, and partying I studied and maintained a high 3.9 for the first three years to weight my GPA. Would I have rather partied? Of course. I studied my ass for weeks to ensure a score in the 99th percentile on the ACT in HS (easy to do if you study because nobody gives a damn in HS). That paid for the first year. I worked part-time as a TA at $14/hr for a maximum of 20 hours a week (lowest than Bernies suggested minimum wage) to cover living expenses (lived frugally--drove a year 2008 car rather than a cool new one, cooked at home, used the school's gym, etc).

My best friend from undergrad went to Notre Dame to get his masters. He ended up about 15k in debt after scholarship and feels the exact way I do about the issue. We both worked hard and now we could potentially watch everyone get a free pass to do whatever they want for four years, on ours and our parents' dime. This is also will decrease the value of your education your spending 100k on. A 100k Maserati you saved up and worked for wouldn't be too cool if everybody was given one for free, would it? That's what will happen with our educations.

The dumbasses that go to an expensive school to major in something that pays shitty made that decision. My aunt racked up debt to major in sociology and she's still paying 20 years later. A dad of another close friend racked up 500k in debt to be a plastic surgeon and paid it off in a few years and he didn't ever bitch asking the government for help. Then those people bitch that they're in debt when they were irresponsible to begin with. It's easy to have a general idea how much you'll make. If the benefit of an education doesn't outweigh the cost, find somewhere else to go or study something else.

You're the perfect Bernie supporter though and are exactly who he caters to. People that want the freebies and want to take it from those who have worked hard.

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