Trump is worse than Hitler now

No. Everything is garbage.

  • Governments of the world have made apparent that they're all corrupt or dangerously stupid. "True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country." has never rung more true.
  • Our planet is dying and no one in a position of power seems to care.
  • Every space program is shit now, we have to place our hope of space travel in the hands of African Steve Jobs.
  • The fight for equal rights has turned into a competition of who has the hottest take on twitter instead of actually helping people.
  • A growing minority of people are turning into retarded conspiracy theorists who believe themselves to be true intellectuals.
  • Anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers are everywhere. Respect for the educated and experienced has been replaced by idiots who think reading the first paragraph of the first article on google is research. Scientists are now seen as the enemy by an alarming number of people.
  • The mainstream media is now at best, obnoxious, at worst, obvious propaganda. Journalism isn't dead, but is drowned out in a see of stupid, frivolous stories about celebrities.
  • Identity politics are at an all time high. Even conversing with people not of your political affiliation is seen as a betrayal.
  • People have become so disallusioned with those in power that they no longer question the reasons for war.

I used to believe that we'd come out of this, that we'd fix the air, that governments would eventually work together to better the world. I no longer believe that. Luckily, I am a prepper that lives in the part of the world that is most likely to survive the coming climate change events, so at least that brings me solace.

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