[TT] Theme Thursday - Relaxation

Relax and Be Present - A poem to the tune of Minuet in G Major

Relax, I tell you that God does not exist. Relax, I tell you religions won’t save you. Relax, religion is dangerous.

Relax, trust in the intellectual establishment. Relax, trust in the elites. Relax, trust in the human capacity for knowledge and wisdom! Relax, trust in your own abilities!

Listen to my wisdom! I went out in the woods for 21 days in silence.

Listen to my wisdom! I got high on ecstasy and felt like I loved someone.

Listen to my wisdom! Being spiritual does not mean you must believe in a soul.

Listen to my wisdom! Being spiritual does not mean you will be accountable for your life upon death so there is no need to worry!

You know me, I’m not lying. You know me, I have preached God does not exist. You know me, I still disagree with all religions. You know me, religions fall short of my vast intellectual power. You know me, religions cheapen the human spirit and are dangerous. I would not do that, you know me!

Relax, be mindful and think, what can make me present?

Relax, think of all the people that agree with me on this and how successful they are.

Relax, be mindful and buy my app for the low price of $14.99 per month!

/r/WritingPrompts Thread