Tupac explains how the attitude and strategies of a deprived community will change as it remains unheard and ignored - relevant to the situation in Baltimore

If you want to have a reasonable discussion, please stop appealing to emotions about LIVES LIVES LIVES.

We are a capitalistic society. Everyone goes out and has to get whatever they can grab their hands on. Black people can vote. Black people can get jobs. Black people can do anything they want to do just like anyone else. Sure, some of them are going to experience racism but so if everyone else in the entire world because there will never be a point where people can see past perceived physical differences because there will always be one ignorant ass who perpetuates the cycle.

Police brutality isn't entirely a race issue. There are plently of white americans that die from police brutality. There are plently of mexican americans that die from police brutality. There are plently of mexican immigrants that die from police brutality. Police brutality is police brutality and that needs to stop but this whole "Us vs them" arguement isn't going to solve shit.

MLK didn't preach about holding grudges from the past. His dream was that there will be a point in society where everything is washed is rebuilt on a clean slate.

Rioting isn't what people do when you enact centuries of suffering upon them. Those people are all dead. These kids rioting aren't centuries old. The majority of older black generation are either trying to protest or staying out of the entire situation. They aren't acting hot headed and looting creating absolute anarchy. They are trying to portray a message by being peaceful and remembering all those who have died but their message is completely being overshadowed. These older generation folk understand the long term aspect of change. Destroying your surrounding is just going to set you back not only because you destroyed your physical setting but also because now you've fueled a bunch of racist bigots.

This isn't a race issue. Systematic oppression is a poverty issue but capitalism means that poverty will always exist because that is part of the function of society.

We can't operate under a society like socialism. We would all have to be exactly the same. If you believe that we can go one day without any form of jealousy, then you are crazy. Just one small tip in the balance will destroy any form of equality.

A person's equality in America is their right to vote. That is it. You aren't getting anything else.

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