[WP] tell me a story where the first line and last line are the same but have entirely different meanings.

I knew everything. My hometown is pretty small, pretty dreary. There isn’t a spot in my town where I haven’t been. I’ve done everything here. Everything legal and some stuff that isn’t. Usually I wouldn’t try those kind of things, but boredom is hard to appease. My parents raised me right and all that jazz, but I just couldn’t help but try what was offered. It was one little question, asked by one little dude leaning against the brick wall of our movie theater. When my parents found what I had in my drawers, they freaked some. But I brushed it off because I knew everything.

These problems always start small, then their out of control. My problem however started out quite large. School was something of the past once I couldn’t put it down. Class was not somewhere I needed to be because the teachers didn’t know what I knew. Learning was for people that wanted it, I did not want it. People tried to pull me back in, tried to tell me what I was doing was wrong, tried to tell me it was bad for me. They would start to list health problems, but I just brushed it off because I knew everything. 

Once the boredom started to creep back into my life, I started to drink. By this time it was legal for me to down as much as I wanted. Drinking and smoking were things I couldn’t put down. I would hit every bar in town, mooching off people as I went. Somehow I always ended up with enough money to get me enough drink. I got stares as I staggered by people on the sidewalk, I once even begged from my pastor for money for my next trip down drinking lane. 

He just stared at my sad sagging eyes as he quickly mumbled under his breath and handed me a donation out of guilt. I just brushed off those looks because I knew everything.

I walked usually to place to place, but sometimes I was able to convince someone to let me use their car. My parents gave in a lot to me because they didn’t know what to do. They let me use their truck at times. One evening I took their truck out to a bar far out of town. People there didn’t know me quite well and thats just how I liked it. No one to judge my intelligence. I got quite drunk there and since I didn’t wanna walk I took the truck. During the ride back home other cars gave me a wide berth. But this one car that looked oddly familiar was right behind me the whole entire time. There were two people inside it; one woman, one man. They were oddly familiar too. I will admit that I drove too fast straight into a van. Rear ended him, then I got rear ended myself. I just brushed off the glass because I knew everything.

I walked home that night and arrived to an empty home. No one was there, not even my parents. On the counter in the kitchen there was a note though. It was from my parents. “Will be out tonight. We took the other car. We just might see you around. Love Mom,” the note read. I set it down and passed out in bed. I woke up next morning to no one. I just brushed it off because I knew everything.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread