Turnout among young voters was the second highest for a midterm in past 30 years

due to the trend of being different is cool.

More like the years long being beaten to the ground by boomers, and silent gen and being blamed for not voting in elections where no politician entertains their needs due to the other two voting blocks needs/interest being more beneficial to address.

Talking mid 80s to the late 90s worth of time... shit like that for many is hard to break away from mentality wise. First Gen X were able to vote in what 1983? That's after Reagan got elected and moved a substantial block of middle class in to poverty... followed by bush sr.

1st change Gen X had to influence voting worth fuck all was with Clinton... and we saw a massive boost in youth voting numbers then. Not that it mattered for him being a neoliberal too... even if less bad than Reagan, or Bush.

Arguably on a side note Trump was/is the last push that silent gen and boomers will be capable of sans some weird changes to voting laws.

Not only is Gen X voting habits been improving and with millennials we got Obama in office, but now with Gen Z having had grownup under the shit show that are the consequences of boomer, and silent gen policies they are way more engaged than we ever were under their heel.

I mean really, finally after what 40 years we have a functional ability to properly challenge long standing power structures with the new generation coming in, and the old people heading out.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - npr.org