Twenty-Two Attorneys General Sue The FCC Over Net Neutrality Repeal

I think you will find that most conservatives are older and most liberals are younger. Why do you think that is? Why do so many young people agree with your ideas, the ones i once agreed with, and yet feel strongly opposite a couple of decades later?

I am 43.

You're not going to like my answer.

Those who give in to this brand of conservatisism aren't enlightened, they have been subdued by illusion and lost sight of the human condition.

Edit: i see youve edited..

Yes, sorry I should have denoted that.

The hands of the few.. ? I guess you believe the govt is not the hands of the few but infact is the people?

How is the government controlling the internet? How is a law stating you cannot discriminate traffic control?

This is the same mechanism that allows us to walk the streets freely, It's no different, this isn't your typical regulatory conundrum, this is access to commerce and information being insured.

Once again I would like to reiterate that you are being short-sighted and not realizing the potential of this technology.

You are quite literally opening up the possibility that someday someone with a contrary opinion to yours can run a company and restrict access to dissenting viewpoints.

That's just one aspect of the Pandora's box that is being opened here, these regulations were placed for a reason, because there was a problem with it.

I work in technology, I have a deep understanding of not only the present state of the internet but the future of the internet, if you step outside and knee jerk reaction to government regulation you will see that this is what the founders intended for this government to do. Our posterity will not look fondly upon you.

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