The two main comments my friends who have stopped playing PoE say:

Instead of trying to understand 'how does it work' people ask themselves 'how can I make this better, stronger, more efficient'. Mark of times.

We did the same then too. Just had to figure it out first.

Give me editor like the ones that were/are avaiable for older arpg along with offline mode and I'll have no problems figuring out thngs my myself.

Sacred didn't have one. We just had to figure it out. The ones for others, like TQ etc. did not give any monster stats, etc. if I remember right.

This is just your opinion. Apparently not shared by a fair deal of players.

This doesn't change the fact that in an arpg knowledge is the power. It's the 'skill' in the genre.

Honestly, after 4.5k hours this game, there's not much new to figure out for a lot of people and the interest is waning, because exploration/figuring it out is really all you do.

There is no twitch-skills to hone or get better with. Gameplay is actually very simple. It's the knowledge of making a good build, etc. from figuring out the game that makes a 'good player'.

If all data was available readily, you wouldn't need to 'make it better' because someone would min/max it all and figure out the one supreme optimal build etc. and you'd either play that or be inefficient.

This already happens in a very short time frame, due to long-time players. It's called the 'meta'. This past league, it was undeniably BV.

Journey, not destination.

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