Type 1 and OCD

Your food thing is really relatable to me, I've done the same type of thing my entire life. I never thought of it from an OCD perspective, I thought it was just like, disordered eating which I definitely have issues with in general. But now that I think about it, it often shows up in other activities as well, but for a limited time. When I was a kid my parents used to tell me I better never get into drugs because of how "addictive" of a personality I have where I'd just go so in on a single thing -- a food, an activity, a location to be in, a chore I needed to do -- and it really concerned them, to the point my dad would start putting limits on the random thing I wanted which i remember throwing like litteral temper tantrums over because it stressed me out so much. I always saw OCD as more of the compulsions and such that lasted a bit longer so I never really thought of it like this; never even considered it could be underlying anxiety causing those little interests-of-the-month either.

I think at this age it doesn't affect me quite the same that I would necessarily seek a diagnosis or help for it, but it does make me curious about whether i just overlooked it and being on a type of OCD spectrum is at least a possibility. Wonder if a lot of 1s experience similar.

/r/Enneagram Thread Parent