/u/duckvimes_ proves that a holocaust denier is in a conspiracy to manipulate votes. Gets best of'd. Holocaust deniers show up in comments.

Just an aside, but since you're responding I wanted to mention this -- I had this shit happen with like 4 different people in the past few days: I live in the Midwest, and I often go to this bar that has its fair share of rednecks and/or just general racists. What's funny to me is that all 4 of these guys would just be shooting the shit with me, making small talk, and out of fuckin nowhere, they'd say something like "Yeah, this town used to be great until... things... started happening." I automatically knew that they were referring to the fact that a large amount of black people moved into the area (over the course of like 40 years, mind you). With two of them, I just ignored it cuz the overall conversation was fun and I didn't want to ruin it.

But with 2 of these guys, I was like "Oh yeah? What happened?" And they'd basically say "You know... the blacks moved in" (as if they assumed I'd just be like "yeah dude, fuck those guys, amiright?"). So I said something like "Dude, I know you yourself are friends with plenty of black guys. I know for a fact that you legitimately like them and respect them. You gotta understand that when some people deal drugs or steal shit as basically a side-job, it's usually because their main job can't support them on its own. And they had a hard-enough time finding any sort of job in the first place. You think it's hard for 2 white guys like us to find a job? Imagine what it's like for a random black dude who's already dealing with people like you who talk shit about them -- and even shittier people who openly confront them for no reason?"

I just got really pissed-off at these guys and went on a rant about how their ignorant beliefs are a huge part of why certain people in certain communities end up having harder lives and sometimes doing some shady shit just to get by. They're both friends/acquaintances of mine, and I'd like to think I had some impact on their opinions (or their future actions, at least).

Luckily, all 4 of those guys are older (like 50s-60s), so I'm sure they're just holding on to the bygone era. Not that I forgive them for it or anything, but nowadays it's rare to hear a 20-year-old openly spout something like that, whether they think it or not.

Bringing it back to the convo, though -- guess how many grammatical errors those 4 guys would make in a random reddit comment about hating black people for some ambiguous reason. Maybe not 50, but I'd bet at least 30.

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