/u/mach-2 Gives a well thought perspective on whats happening in Baltimore

Throwing stats out with absolutely zero context is useless

Maybe we are thinking about different posts. I'm speaking specifically of this one.

These posts are usually responses to an ongoing conversation that give the post context. Disconnecting the post from the context of the conversation, then saying the stats have no context is weak sauce.

Why are black people convicted of crimes more often? Why are they more prone to commit crimes? Why are they more prone to violence?

That's a conversation that I would love to have. Unfortunately it's a conversation that can only be had if the participants only speak about influences outside of the black community. To speak about the community itself is to be labeled racist and quickly removed from the conversation

The meat and taters of that post is building a case against the often used answer to your "Whys" - poverty. Yet instead of hearing the argument, it's removed from the conversation with a quick downvote, report, and delete.

The answers are complex and involve history, sociology, economics, zoning laws and regulations, cultural stereotypes, and plenty of other factors that go into these things.

Why are posts like the one I linked to held to a standard that is literately impossible to achieve on Reddit? No one thinks that the issue is black and white. Not even the "Stromfront" brigade that everyone claims is running rampant.

It seems that unless a post matches people's previous views (e.g. /u/mach-2's post), there's an expectation that a view can only be allowed into the conversation if it's 100k+ words long. Aka a post that takes into consideration "complex and involve history, sociology, economics, zoning laws and regulations, cultural stereotypes, and plenty of other factors that go into these things."

But the poster of the copypasta would just have you assume it's because of their skin tone.

Yet the copypasta doesn't actually put any blame on skin tone, but does specifically point it's finger at the culture. Being black and following what is commonly known as black culture are not mutually inclusive.

I guess my confusion lies in the fact that I don't get why people claim to want to resolve the issues facing the black community, but do their best to hide from the realities of it. I get that the creator of the copypasta may in fact be truly racist (aka looking specifically at skin tone), but so for I have yet to see an actual response to the actual post other than "a quick downvote, report, and delete."

There are very valid points in that post, especially when you consider the context of where the posts are made, yet to even acknowledge the statistics is to be quickly labeled a racist and dismissed.

/r/bestof Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com