UFO sighting, multiple people in my town confirm they've seen this

For fucks sake. You guys would would upvote a kite with LEDs duct taped to the side and probably have before.

When will this subreddit undertstand the importance of not paying any credence to bogus claims or actually taking a good look at what they are seeing? This is why you're laughed at. It's not your edgy fringe beliefs in conspiracies or the paranormal, but what you do with those beliefs.

Hint: If you see multiple light sources in the frame then you are probably looking at reflections inside the lens.

UFO enthusiasts seem more like a religion than a group of people who enjoy the same hobby. Let's look at the similarities:

Blind faith? Check.

Bold claims without any substantial evidence? Check.

Enable each other's delusions? Check.

Not knowing what you're talking about at all, but talking about it all the time with confidence anyway? Check.

Seeing very extraordinary things in ordinary sights(you're not an optimist or a realist, you are delusional)? Check.

Assuming you're more enlightened than non-believers? Check.

Shit on skeptics? Check.

/r/UFOs Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it