Ukrainian President Zelenskiy appeals to international donors to increase their financial support, says Ukraine needs about $55 billion to cover next year's estimated budget deficit and start to rebuild critical infrastructure

lmao why the fuck do you think that GDP per capita is a good measure for economic strength? i can point to moldova and say "well technically their GDP per capita is higher than Ukraine" but let's be real moldova isn't as big as ukraine

ukraine isn't a france or germany economy wise, but you're a fucking moron if you think that it's weaker economy wise than moldova, kosovo, georgia, albania, montenegro, etc (no hate love all y'all).

you know ukraine is one of the most populous nations in europe with over 40 million people, right? so when you take that $3540 or whatever, per person, for 40 million people, and compare it to fucking montenegro which has like 600k people, it just makes you look dumb as fuck.

like there are genuine issues with corruption, though it has been getting better over the years. and there are issues with income inequality and the power oligarchs have over the nation - these are valid points. but to just be like "oh its a poor as fuck nation with no economy" is just so ignorant it's incredible. literally 15% of ukraine's exports last year were IT/programming work because of the sheer number of trained developers in the country (and programmers in ukraine make a lot more than that $3500 or whatever, all the ones i know are living pretty good)

also if you account for PPP it's not so bad lol. still poor but not poverty level poor.

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