Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Were Altered, Analysis Finds

Oh I certainly understood your lack of a point. It just didn't follow my original comment so I found it funny. Anyhow, I'll try to explain this once more but you probably won't get it this time either. You are so blinded by your view that you grasp on to whatever is presented from your side, and you reject logic. However, since you could at least spell the word debate, I'll make one last effort. The debate about how these recordings are "edited" is one that is deflecting from the obvious. These recordings did not alter the voices of the people from PP or their beliefs. What we all see on these videos are the people behind this organization speaking in their own words. The video releases each had a news clip version and a longer video showing the context and timeline of the recordings. The people saying that they were edited, are trying to infer that they were altered and that is completely untrue. It is a dishonest play on words in an attempt to discredit the videos. It is meant to sway the simple minded from believing what they can see and hear for themselves. Obviously it's working for some. The problem is that a five minute break in an hour long video doesn't discredit the video. It doesn't invalidate what is said in the other fifty five minutes. People saying that the video is edited are also asking viewers to believe that somehow, each of the people on these recordings possibly made a statement to completely invalidate what they said on the recordings, but we simply were not provided with that video. This is also untrue. When you are talking about a document being edited, segments can be removed or altered completely changing the tone and structure and even message of the document. All this can be done and you may never know what was in the original document. A recording is different. You can't overdub voices without evidence. You can't alter video without traces of the alteration. You also couldn't cut and splice a highlight reel and then provide an unedited full version of a video without a trace of alteration. These are recordings of these leaders of PP and PP is not disputing that. Instead they are claiming that the videos are "edited" and they are trying to get them blocked from being released.
Sound suspicious? It should. The editing argument is illogical and untrue. Anyone who believes it is sadly lacking intelligence and common sense.

I do so find it comical that you think I'm young. Although I am not, I wonder why you would celebrate the fact that you are being intellectually trounced by someone so young. Ah, yet there again you go showing your more troglodyte ways. Please continue to call me Skippy. It just speaks volumes about your incompetence.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - nytimes.com