Unjerk Thread of August 15, 2020

How much of a fighting chance do you think the Series X will have if these two rumors are true?



I think quite a big chance I would say, considering Sony have some of the best cinematic story based games on the market but keep in mind there are numerous gamers who don't really care for cinematic story based games and use their consoles as Destiny/Call of Duty machines who would love to save that 60$ online subscription cost.

Though on the subject of lower pricing it wouldn't surprise me if Micrsofoft tried to do something incredibly extreme in terms of low pricing, I mean remember back in days of the original Xbox Microsoft was willing to lose 5-7 billion dollars in order to sell the original xbox


I can actually see them being even more ready to lose money to get potential Xbox owners since in addition to taking money from game sales they can also make money from game pass and skimming microtransaction money.

/r/Gamingcirclejerk Thread