I hate hate hate being a woman and everything that goes along with it but I love my body and it's not like I feel I'm male or anything. I just hate being female. Can anyone help? I think I have a problem.

Men and women are pretty equal in my opinion. You aren't exactly in a very different situation as most men to be honest. Men don't like stereotypes as well, they don't like to be judged.

Guys look at me and don't automatically think "capable leader," let me tell you. In fact, I had a few people tell me how funny it was that I was applying for the job because I look like such a young girl. "Haha I thought you were graduating from high school." One guy straight up told me to go look for some older rich man to marry me and he thought he was complimenting me.

People in general don't just accept a random person as a leader to be fair. It takes time for any new person in a group to proof themselves regardless of gender. Is it funny for you to apply for a job? No, but it might appear funny/odd since you look young it might require a second take for me to hire you as a potential employer. Some boys of 18 look 12 if purely looking at their ID photo's and that's what you see when receiving their paperwork.

Anyone telling you to marry someone without concern for you in general isn't very aware (nor cautious) of your feelings, speaking for their immaturity and in my opinion just a douchebag.

Obviously that has no effect on who I am as a person but it just goes to show how easy it is for men to rape, even in countries where rape was supposedly so bad.

Rape is not a man or woman thing. All genders rape. It's a difficult crime to handle for any enforcer, and given bad circumstances it is overlooked or promoted. Culture, economics, the ability to get away with something or lack of inhabitions, there are all kinds of reasons that would never make sense as a justifiable means for someone sane and honest.

I don't hate men at all, by the way. It just seems like the ability for people to take away my control over my body is always just a breath away, dependent on shifting political tides.

Noone has full control over their bodies. Nature isn't some kind of tangeable force there to serve to your benefit. Your body is yours even if it doesn't seem to grant you physical comfort at all times, you are free to do with it what you want.

Avoiding the whole issue of consent and forced pregnancy, a woman can have sex her entire life without feeling pleasure while that is obviously not the case for men. In fact, it can cause a lot of pain.

Enough men can't reach orgasm or have so much difficulty that they would rather not be remembered they can have one, in regards to having sex they still enjoy pleasing their partners. If you mind I'm not offended by your views but orgasming is not easy for me as a male. Relationships aren't as simple as that. Sex can cause some men and boys pain as well, it's not like a tool that is used for the first time will simply be used to the friction and UTI's are perhaps less likely for men but it also happens and it sucks.

But I think that most people, if given the choice, would probably choose to be male if we had a say in such matters.

Yes and no, If I was born female I would have to deal with that and would have gotten better at that over the ages. You can enjoy things better over the ages of mastering it that's how life made us. However, some humans choose to change their gender since that is no longer how they can identify themselves, their ways of expressing themselves or ways to be themselves have not corresponded with their bodies and as such changing their gender seems like the only solution.

You make carefull consideration about your life as a woman as well as your choice about having children and that's very mature. There are quite a lot of women around me that had kids within 2 years of having a relationship and are now tied down to an entirely different life, their husbands are very caring but that doesn't change the fact that children are a lot of work. A changing body can cause discomfort that lasts a lifetime but on the otherhand most of them would never consider a life without kids. As for sex, well that's up to everyone in their private lives but if you need any advice in regards to communication you can visit /r/sex.

/r/sex is a subreddit you can learn a lot from outside the context of having sex and communication and learning how to work with your body as well as your changing vision of life. It's been almost a year since I last was there, but the community was great at that time.

Until we can instantly beam transform our bodies into our desired gender I guess the internet and growing up can be usefull beyond discomfort as well.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread