(Unverified) Sources say SAA to withdraw troops from the city of Hama, and move towards Damascus and Daraa.

I have to agree with /u/gonzolegend.

The conscription problem has only ever been anecdotal and to be perfectly clear we lack figures for how many men enter and leave the service of the SAA each year. It was noted during the first years of this conflict that the regime largely took a lax approach to enforcing the draft by continuing to allow people to utilise the loopholes and put it off or avoid it entirely through bribes. The regime even went so far to reduce the length of compulsory military service down to eighteen month.

Much of the anecdotal evidence we heard over the course of the later half of last year was protests and complaints about the regime cracking down on those delaying or avoiding service. Many commentators at the time asserted this was evidence of a shortage of soldiers, which was unsurprising considering these where largely Anti-Regime commentators. The reality is that the crack down was done to increase the number of soldiers in preparation for a new wave of major offensives this year, and not solely to replace losses.

Conscripts are too inexperienced to be sent to active combat zones or to take part in major offensives. Conscripts are sent to static fronts where combat is intermittent in order to give them combat and military experience. Many of them stay on in the SAA because it's a job and it pays, and with the state of the Syrian economy it's relatively attractive.

The shortage was very much self imposed, and the regime is now tightening the rules on military service in order to increase the number of conscripts serving.

It hasn't moved to extend the length of military service or impose indefinite or prolonged military service.

The last and probably most important factor is that the majority of Syrians are under the age of twenty five. Let that sink in for a moment. The majority of Syrians where too young to take part in the fighting when the Civil War begun, and over the next four or five years the number of conscripts entering service is only going to increase.

/r/syriancivilwar Thread Link - twitter.com