Make up a scenario or a single event happening within the next 100 years, that will have a huge life changing impact on all people on earth. What is it?

In 2020, NASA announces that they have detected faint radar signals from deep space that may have been sent from other intelligent beings. The world begins to buzz. Where could it have come from? What would the aliens look like? In 2025, NASA announces that they have been tracking the radar signal and it seems to be getting closer. Doomsday preppers begin to frenzy. People who never assumed they would be preppers begin to quietly stockpile water and canned goods. There are increased sightings to paranormal activity in the night sky, although NASA is quick to say that the signal is still many, many light years away and may be simply interference from a meteor shower far away.

In 2030, NASA holds a press conference along with the United Nations to announce that the signals are getting increasingly stronger and clearer, and in fact, they suggest there may be multiple signals. As yet, they have been unable to decipher the radar signal. When pressed, the Chief Scientist of NASA admits that, going on the estimated current rate, whatever is sending the signals will reach Earth in 15 - 20 years, if we are indeed their intended target. The UN Military unit is quick to dispel any idea that we are potentially under attack, although the fear in the people of earth begins to grow. Although governments continue to stress that they believe we are not under any threat, military budgets double. Many citizens are angry that our first assumption is that we are in danger and feel that we should be more welcoming. Churches see a dramatic increase in the number of people attending services. Militaries across the world being recruiting, although they are quick to state that this is normal process in the recruiting cycle. The public know this is a cover story which only increases their levels of anxiety.

In 2040, the signals are released to the public in an attempt to have people decipher what NASA says is 'almost certainly a language, although not one we have ever come across before'. They admit that the signals are continuing to increase both in strength and in number. NASA has strong reason to believe that there are, in fact, hundreds of signals being received by our radio systems. Hysteria begins to sweep Earth. Looting breaks out across the world as people begin to cache food, medical supplies and weapons. Essential services, such as running water, sewerage and electricity begin to break down as funding to the military increases and people opt to remain home in preparation for whatever may come. Famine in less-wealthy countries begins to take its toll and many die waiting for food that never arrives. The Black Market becomes the only market and guns, ammunition and other weapons as well as food and medical supplies are openly carried and traded on the streets.

Contact is just 12 months away. NASA announce that a member of its team has cracked the code and has been conversing with the alien lifeforms, but refuse to answer questions surrounding the nature of the conversations. Hysteria grows to an all time high as people believe the UN would be quick to announce if the messages were friendly. Opportunistic revenge killings are rife, with most people now carrying weapons and ammo. Very little essential infrastructure remains. The general feeling is that resistance will be futile. With the technology available to move through space at such speeds, surely their weapons would be far better than ours. People say goodbye to their friends and neighbours and bunker down with their families, not knowing what the next 24 hours will bring.

Contact is tomorrow.

/r/AskReddit Thread