Upcoming mage changes preview

Lux- The Vision Control Mage - All abilities give vision.E has much longer range but damage reduces based on how far away the projectile goes.If too far away it wont deal damage and wont be detonated by pressing e but will give vision and stay there for a time.

Xerath- The Longest Range Mage - Ult reworked into old w (But range is the current ult range and can be used more than 3 times) that increases the range of his current abilities.

Malzahar- The Minion Control Mage-His actual damage source will be his voidlings and his spells will interact with them.W will summon voidlings from null zone percentage health damage switched to voidlings from the zone .E damage reduced but have less cd and will be used to target someone for voidlings instead of its damage and poking.Ult duration scales with voidlings.

Cassiopeia - The Dot Mage - E and Q swithed in some way. Instead of hitting dot on the target and spamming E you will stack Q dots on target and activate the actual dot that does so much damage with E's bite.W adds stacks every second.

Orianna - The Wombo Combo Mage - Her kit is the same but passive is changed.Her abilities charges her clockwork for an empowered auto-attack instead of magic damage on every autoattack.

Syndra - The Highest Potential Mage (aka. The Lategame Mage)- Her abilities will have significant bonuses at the max level.Q's increased damage is true damage.E is wider and longer.W can be used on champions who is stunned by her e (lower range for champions).

Ziggs - The Poke Mage -Q will have lower damage but lower cooldown (Can bomb every 2 seconds.Close to 1 with enough CDR).W will interact with his Q and E. Ult cooldown will be reduced at level 2 and 3 but deal reduced damage to minions.

Annie - The Mage With A Friend - Ult will have a delay and longer range( W doesnt have a delay so flash W then tibbers is still possible).Tibbers mimics Annie's abilities in his way and Summon:Tibbers damage is reduced so her burst mostly comes from using her abilities with Tibbers at the same time.(Like Zed s W Q combo if u hit 2 Q s you do more damage)

Galio - The Protector Mage - Passive reworked the damage he absorbs turns into a shield for nearby allies(Works with his ult) . W reworked into Gargoyle stance he gets insane damage reduction but is immobilized(can be used during ult.E reworked Galio flies to the target location and leaves a trail that increases allies movement speed(range reduced). Ult duration and damage reduced for him having an actual dash.

Brand - The AOE Burst Mage - Brands abilities will be stronger if there is more people around and weaker 1 vs 1 .When he burns an enemy with his passive flames will deal damage to the enemies around the burning enemy.So if enemies clump up and hit by brands abilities they will deal damage to their allies by standing next to them(Means Brand has to hit multiple enemies for more damage.

Swain - The Sustain Mage - E is reworked and is not a dot anymore.If kills a target with it Raven devours the target and heals Swain.Ul have more ravens based on rank.

Zyra - The Jungle Control Mage - Passive reworked and she has special interactions with jungle.(Plants that can be controlled by Zyra).Q puts a plant now.W reworked(Her plants spit to the target line).E same.Ult knockup duration reduced to 0.5 but has a slight pull to the center(Very slight not in an Orianna level)

Karthus - The Pentakill Mage - Ult does damage based on missing health. There ll be new items and minor changes to other mages

Fixed for readability.

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