[UPDATE] I [24F] don't feel like my SO [27M] prioritizes me because we mostly spend spontaneous time together rather than planned, intentional time. Is this a compatibility issue, or am I making a mountain out of a molehill?

I'm going to disagree with the general consensus.

You left the relationship because your immediate wants were unmet. What if in 80 years, on your deathbed, you knew that your life's happiness was maximized by this man.

It could have happened. He didn't put you down. He didn't disrespect you. He didn't over promise.

He just wanted the relationship to grow as it should. Not on anyone's schedule. Even your's.

A relationship can grow forever. A bond continually strengthening. All the while suspended above a valley of doubt that no safety net can cover.

The stone cold truth is you ended it. Not him. You feared the commitment. If you want validation Google confirmation bias.

Life is short. It's really easy to spend it alone.

/r/relationships Thread