Update : Wife (38F) is convinced that she is pregnant even though that every pregnancy test (store-bought and medical) comes back negative. It's taking a toll on our mariage because she thinks I am going to abandon her and "our twins"

My mom has schizophrenia and PTSD. One month she also had an "outbreak". It was horrible. It was the second time and I was all on my own. It was so terrible, that I couldn't help or anything. She wouldn't listen to me. And I was so scared that she would harm herself or others. Sadly it didn't fix itself. Then she stopped to drink and eat. She was dehydrated and I couldn't do anything. She was almost unconscious and I just called an ambulance. Fortunately she agreed to come with them. They also kept her involuntarily in the hospital, but it was the best choice. It has gotten better and she is now not out of her mind anymore. Now she is devastated, that it happend again and really scared that I will abondon her, but you need to stick to your loved ones and give them support in the hardest of times.

At first she was really angry at me for sending her to the hospital and I felt terrible, but the days went by and she understood that it was necessary and that she will receive the needed help. I am somewhat grateful that it went that way and nobody was really hurt or anything.

So my advice is: Keep it going, visit her as often as you can and just support her. She will understand why you did it and that you did it because you love her so much. It's not an easy way, but it's definitely the best way. You need to stay strong and help her through these dark times. It will get better und someday she will understand why you did it.

You did the right thing.

/r/relationship_advice Thread