Vaush vs Destiny

I graduated with a psych degree in college, and he is a TEXTBOOK NPD sufferer. (Narcissistic Personality Disorder.) I would literally be willing to bet my life savings on it. The disorder typically entails:

>Lack of empathy for others

>Moderate to severe anti-social tendencies

>Insecure and TERRIBLE with criticism.

>A tendency to have turbulent relationships with others, with not many close friends, long-lasting romantic relationships, or good relationships with family

>INTENSE outbursts of anger, and other irrational emotions at the drop of a hat, often unprovoked and uncalled for.

> Black and white, all or nothing, "you're either with me or against me" thinking.

>Unstable principles, and often their entire core belief systems and worldview will shift given their feelings at the time.

>They don't work well with others, and tend to either be loners unless there's something they can get out of the person. Like sex, status, or money. If you don't provide something for them, they'll cut you loose and feel nothing about it.

Now, that sounds like I just wrote a biography on Destiny in my eyes. Dude fucking needs help. He's lost it, and I honestly think he's official become a deeply negative, potentially harmful voice on the internet.

/r/VaushV Thread Link -