What is it about the video game industry specifically that it's the only one with major publications with editors and employees that fucking despise the medium like Polygon, Kotaku, Dorkly etc., can't play at all (Polygon infamously quite literally played the new Doom and other games like Zelda Breath of The Wild like a grandma only moving one stick at a time and screwing up every attack) and constantly berate their audience and the huge corporations that pay insane amounts of money to get them to cover their games by inviting them to huge preview event parties, and they don't EVEN do that but complain about how much their life sucks because they have to stay at a crappy gaming event by EA and drink expensive drinks and eat sushi, without saying anything about the game in the article?

IMAGINE any other industry pulling this shit. Hiring a writer for a piano enthusiast magazine where the writer spends the article saying how much pianos suck, piano players are losers, two pages of what they had for lunch and still do nothing but be annoyed, and then say "oh I can't fucking play the piano, how do you make a sound come out of this shitty piece of fuck".

Video games are the biggest entertainment industry in the world, bigger than the film industry.

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