Vender Review JunoTempleh 1 g alp powder

Here's teh convo


I'm not going to take your bullshit.

My alprazolam is 99% pure and legit, you don't know how to use it? You don't have proper scales? You have tolerance? I don't care, it's not my problem, I sent you legit alprazolam my conscience is clear.

You're the second customer I have trying to get a "extra" by saying shit about my alprazolam, unfortunately I knew I would have to deal with people like that when I started selling powder, so it's not new to me. Go tell my other 2000+ customers that my alprazolam is "not all alp" to see if they care.

Best regards, Juno

I don't want "extra', I want what I paid for. Notice I never one threatened trying to contest the transaction, just raising the question of perhaps a bad batch. I also can identify alpra pretty well, and a gram is more than enough for a lifetime, I have no need to pick up any more. And while that bitter taste is still there, I cannot explain a jump in tolerance from 2 0.5 mg doses to DOING 17 MG IN ONE NIGHT WITHOUT NEGATIVE EFFECT 100 mg of pure stuff would be more potent than a gram of this; I can even destroy this on video if you need. I've never tried to scam people here and I never will. Though I can see how It would look like that from your perspective. I use it therapeutically at the losest dose possible. And 17 mg, measured, set multiple times, but someone with chemistry skills (ok, one class in uni) cannot fuck up by a layer of magnitude. I'm sorry your first interpretation is bullshit, when an equally likely cause is someone in your organization decided to make a cheap buck

Oh, and look at the reddit review, I sang your praises before commenting on the product. Sucks the honest reap the reward of the smamers


All of my Alprazolam come from one source, I have bought a batch that I'm still using since I started selling Alprazolam, the batch is exactly the same for all customers. You can check my feedback and you will see what everyone says about my Alprazolam.

What I mean by your bullshit, is that you don't have such a precision scale to measure 2mg, you don't know shit about chemistry (everyone that says shit about the powders are Ph.D Chemists if you notice on the forums, lol...), you did 17mg in one night? Are you sure you do not have tolerance? Are you sure you didn't eat any food with oil/grease that will completely fuck your Alprazolam absorption? Are you sure it was 17mg? I mean, there's so many factors in play, that I can't name them all, but one thing is true, I don't cut my product and my Alprazolam is 99% pure. You want to test it? Go for it and please by all means, post a public thread and I'll happily chat there with the people.

Oh and by the way, you leave positive feedback, you ended the sale more than a week ago and now you remembered to PM me saying this about my Alprazolam? I really don't see the logic here, but I may be missing something.

And what are you talking about "reddit review"? There's people commenting on my products? If so show me the link. Not that the opinion of just one person is worth something, but I'm very interested if there's people reviewing my products.

Best regards, Juno Does this look like the account of a scammer?

I finalized because that's when it arrived. I did not test it immediately. No one has a scale that measures by 2mg, That's why I do it. It corrects for errors, leaving the acceptable error WELL WITHING THE ACCEPTABLE ERROR IN GENERIC DRUGS, WHICH BY THE WAY IS BETWEEN 80-120 PERCENT OF NAME BRAND ACTIVE INGREDIENT. My method produces precision on an order of magnitude greater than that. That is why people use volumentric dosing. 250mg on a mg scale leaves small room for error, further corrected by using 100 ml of pg measured by syringe.

And claiming to be a chemist? When did I do that

"but someone with chemistry skills (ok, one class in uni}" means not that i'm an expert, but rather not an incompetent buffoon.


That image doesn't exist (404). Anyway, if you are talking about me, of course I'm not a scammer, do you think I would have all the positive feedback if I was a scammer?

I do have a scale that measures 0,001g, but unlike the chinese scales that claim to measure 0.00000001g and cost 20$, mine costs 500$.

What's the method you used, be descriptive on the quantities and exact method. You said "250mg on a mg scale leaves small room for error", what mg scale?

Seriously man, I know I may be seem aggressive chatting with you, but if you had any idea of all the people I've spoke with, that think they are pro masters in chemistry... Put yourself in my position for 1 minute, you sold almost 1Kg of alprazolam, you got hundreds of positive feedback, people that even say it's the best alprazolam they had, and then 2 guys (you and another guy I'll not name), say that the alprazolam is shit. I mean... what would you do?

Anyway, describe to me your method, tell me more about your scale, about your dosages, etc., I know my alp is legit, but maybe I can help you with your method.

p.s.: wtf you mean with that reddit review? I'm curious, give me the link.

Best regards, Juno

a mg scale supposedly accurate to .001 mg is not. But if used correctly it can measure a larger amount with greater precision. I have done this repeatedly, with 100% success. It is not hard.I am no chemist, but I am a scientist, so not a complete idiot. 100Ml of pg produces a solution of 2.5 mg per ml. Alprazoloam IS soluble in the highly polar medium of pg. Shake/set for 24 hours. That's a solution baby. I have meausre teh remeaining powder, which came to approx 744 mg.

Please describe a substantial error in my methodology that would explain the discrepancy.

I understand that one defends one's produce, especially when you've had significant positive feedback. But I'm not lying. I'm not a scammer. If you don't feel any drive in the slightest to respond I'll find another source, 100 bucks isn't much. Perhaps a conversation with your supplier, or packager, or even contamination during shipment might provide insight.. But I know what I know. A well disguised product showed up at my door that didn't contain the concentration of a substance with well established propensities.

Taking dog for walk. I did appreciate your forthrightness when I was worried about the soundness of alpha bay in another message, and that straight talk goes a long way to supporting your willingness to work with truth and not wordplay. I'll respond after letting my dog poop

Oh, so it was you that created that thread, you even miss Mr. FelixUK, cute, ok, let's do it that way then.

My Alprazolam is legit, all of my customers say it is, you and another guy are the only ones saying it isn't, so I'll just ignore you, add you to my blacklist (not that it matter) and that's it.

Best regards, Juno

I miss felix uk because he sent me quality good. Being blacklisted from you is obviously meaningless, because why in gods name would I ever do business with you. One person is an anomaly. 2 people a trend. If you are so incompetent to even admid the possibility of a mistake and an offer of 1/10 of the original purchase then you are a shitty person and lack basic logic skills. If you're so damn confident, go take 17 mg of your 'xanax' and see what happens. Then resond in 20 minutes, bucause other than a mild woozy feeling not a god damn thing will have happened because you are too arrogant to accept a possible mistake.

f all the people I've spoke with, that think they are pro masters in chemistry..

You seem to be stuck in a narrative. I have a graduate degree in geomatics look it up. It aint chem. It does mean I have developed abilities to asses error. Error is a BIG deal. And error is defined as .5 of the smallest unit on any calibrated device. Do I sound like the type to calibrate. Good. So a + 0r -1 gram is INCONSEQENTIAL in 250mg. It is more accurate, like i said, than generic medications, by ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE. SO stop pretending to poke holes in an elementary process perfomed by someone who can do it blindfolded.

And to be fully honest, error is multiplicative. So any error in measuring PG has to be included. As I used a syringe with the smallest unit of 1ml, there could be either 99 ml or 101 ml in the solution. You do not need to tell me that this range is completely inconsequential.

No further response. He has none. I measured accurately. Product underperformed.

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