Videos has tightened its rules on political submissions and opened up a sub for them to be sent to. The userbase is not having it.

Right, you recognize that it is a platform that reaches a metric shit ton of people so you want to make sure the wrong content doesn't reach all those people.

No, we don't want people using /r/Videos as some sort of battleground. As a moderator of default subs as long as there has been default subs, I've seen first hand what happens to subreddits when they're used to push ideologies, agendas and used as a political arena. It drops the quality of the subreddit by orders of magnitude. Unfortunately, I just now realized you're a mod of /r/conspiracy. That's certainly not meant as an accusation or to be insulting, only that it means your opinion(s) are going to be biased given the extremely political nature of your subreddit. It might have been fair to give us a heads up or a disclaimer in your post. Politics... by its very nature, touches almost every aspect of our lives. So does sex. That doesn't mean we should start allowing porn. :) There's a time and a place for that. It's the same for politics. In fact, there's a subreddit devoted specifically to political content with millions of subscribers. It's called /r/Politics. You should understand that just because politics is something important to you, most people don't feel that way. And even if they did, even if 100% of our subscribers felt politics was important to them, it doesn't mean you should force it into every single subreddit on reddit. Especially considering just how many political subreddits there are already. You can't possibly enforce this rule fairly so it shouldn't exist. Innocent people are convicted of crimes all the time, and many people commit crimes and get away scott-free. Does that mean we should just get rid of all our laws? Now that I think on it, there is some overlap with the conspiracy crowd and /r/Anarchy. You may very well think we should do away with all of our laws, including laws on rape & murder. We can't catch all the murderers, and murders still happen, so the law is useless, right? :) Rules are there to improve the quality of content within a subreddit. Just because a rule might not be 100% effective isn't a reason to get rid of it. That's like getting rid of laws on drinking & driving because people are always going to drink & drive.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread