Waiters of Reddit, what's the worst first date you've ever seen?

Soooo... There was a cute guy I met at a reggae bar, and a few days later he picked me up for a first date to go putt-putt golfing. Well, my brother had just given me some weed, some primo blow-your-mind-out weed, and I tend to be pretty sensitive anyway (one hit of a strong weed and the world starts flashing and changing colors- yes, I'm completely serious, and no, it wasn't laced with anything)... So we smoke it up before we go. I took more than one hit- so I'm rekked.

We walk in and the indoor paying area is bright as s. I'm freaking out thinking that everyone must know that I'm stoned, we're standing in line- and suddenly all the bright windows begin to fill with tiny black and white dots, kind of like floaters. Then I go blind. Completely. Fing. Blind.

I try to ask him if we can leave and I grab his arm to guide me, and as we're walking I try to explain what happened but I really don't have a clue as to what happened or why I suddenly can't see s. Again, I'm also high as f. In the more shaded hallway my sight starts coming back. But we're both freaked out and I can't make light of any of it...

He takes me home. So what do I do? Oh, I've got a great movie to put on... "Yellow Submarine"! Brilliant! Now I'm curled in a ball on a chair while he sits clearly uncomfortably on the couch near me and we both feel like we've entered the twilight zone.

He lasted most of the film. He was a real gentleman, I mean, I think he stayed just to make sure I wasn't dying from an aneurysm or something... But I certainly never heard from him again.

BTW, I never lost my sight again, though I do become light-headed when my iron is too low or I'm dehydrated. I think the increase in heart rate from the weed, plus my nervousness, was the cause- kind of like circuit overload without proper cooling (thin blood).

/r/AskReddit Thread