Wallström portas från Israel

No, I just find it (with incredible arrogance) that Europe can claim more than most Israeli's who is right and who is wrong. This doesn't mean that Israel - at certain times only - isn't free from criticism, but I would find it more legitimate if it came from people (incl Europeans) whom visited the area and are knowledgable in depth about the topic.

If you the average person really wants to help and be interventionist, provide help to Israeli holocaust survivors , many of whom are in poverty. That's the only thing the conflict relates to Europe (as this originated from your lands).

see the problems Palestinians are facing as well

Again, too simplified. Are you referring to the Palestinians in the WB? Gaza? Arab-Israeli's? Druze? christian Arabs? - or are you referring to the leadership? Fatah? Hamas? perhaps even PPFL? Ya'had? Dahlan?

Generalising won't help, the more you specify the problem and the more centred is the solutions to the problems. In terms of the two state solution, within the sphere of the WB, I view European influence as a net + for a variety of reasons, mainly economical. If europe can create ties between Isreali and palesitnians, including funding projects that will help spur talks I'm 100% for it.

Coming from outside the conflict looking in, it's very much like two children fighting over who started first.

Yeah, I understand, if I was in the outside I would also see that point. Again, I'm really not trying to antagonize Europe, we are allies not just because of trying to white-wash the past but because we are both democracies and do indeed have similar values. It's just at times sometimes the criticism seems out -of touch from reality, ie you would have to live here to understand the situation 100%.

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