Wanting Women to Love You for Who You Are is the Male Equivalent of Fat Acceptance

Red Pill MGTOW here. Those two can absolutely coexist peacefully, like humans and fish.

I've completely absorbed Red Pill truths. I'm 31, make six figures (whilst working my ass off, though), and blah, blah, blah. I'm not bitter at all. In fact, I consider myself uplifting and definitely optimistic about the future. Especially since finding TRP.

Do you ever get tired of being told to man up all the time? Rah, rah, rah, be alpha, har, har, har. Is this a fucking joke? It starts to sound like one after awhile.

Being a real man, or being red pill, is about rationality. Men are rational animals who have a responsibility and innate propensity for making outcomes happen. The bigger the potential for outcomes (typically maximizing wealth, power, and prestige), the more emotional creatures want to fuck. It's science.

On a forum that is actually a male space, where speak freely, can we please quit telling me what my duty as a man is? If there's one thing that the Red Pill has taught me, it's that I don't even want a woman anymore. Keep it (the whole game). If you don't want me for who I am, which women don't, then what the fuck is the point? For real? Why the struggle? I get to work my fucking ass off for a trophy that's not even a trophy? Or an achievement?

What about the fact that at the end of the day, it's a big shit sandwich? People can get on here and pontificate about how I need to man up because society doesn't give a fuck about losers - which it doesn't and I'm fine with that - but you've never established the point on why we (or I) should give a fuck about society. Who cares? Fuck society. Fuck being another god damned sheep who basks in the approval of the people all around us who haven't done shit with their lives but imitate what they saw on TV because they're too stupid to exhibit an ounce of criticality.

Society is a shithole. Women are fucking predictable equations. At what point is it completely naive to pursue them to no end? I still don't get it: what's in it for me? Pussy that gets old after three months? An investment that's not going to be there whenever you actually need it? Why are we bothering again? To bust nuts, and maybe catch diseases and/or get accused of rape?

Women are Machiavellian. Instead of competing head-to-head physically, they compete by manufacturing duty and moral narratives to hijack the talents of men to do it for them.

Please quit implying that it's everyone's duty or motive to spin plates. Or, at least, for god sakes, tell me why the fuck it's such a given. Because after 31 years, I no longer get it. Also, the act of manufacturing duty seems like a very feminine thing to do if you ask me. Bro.

/r/TheRedPill Thread