"Wasted on Destiny" just broke 1 million

Up front, I saw that "/s" indicating you weren't asking a serious question, but you made me wonder what the overall numbers might be.

A standard copy of Destiny costs ~ $120 USD (if you consider all of the DLC). The Legendary version is ~ $150 USD (if you consider the DLCs that weren't included in the season pass). In 2015 (2 years ago), there were 25M registered players. Using that number, for lack of a better available number right this second, 791 million hours divided by 25 million players equals ~ 32 hours per player (on average). Obviously, there are some players that have spent thousands of hours in the game, and others that have spent far less.

But, an average of 32 hours per player averages out to $3.75 - $4.69 per hour of entertainment (assuming all 25M registered players bought the DLCs, which we know that not EVERYONE did). These are just rough estimates based on info that I could look up really fast (i.e. no deep digging into the overall number of registered users since launch, whether or not people bought the DLC, etc.). So, take this with a HUGE grain of salt. (lol..."salt"...this is reddit...there is SOOO much salt on reddit already...)

I think an average of $4.22/hr is time and money well spent. I would say that it's worth it.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread Parent