Wayfair - a truly pathetic excuse for a company

To be real, I don't mind Wayfair. I wouldn't spend over $1,000 on Wayfair personally. I do find anything in the $100-300 range has been mighty useful for me. Rugs, lights, and curtains have been inexpensive enough that it's helped me save money. Many stores in my area by average, it would've cost $300-400 for a carpet size I bought, plus anything else is over-marked.

My living room. Not the best photo but I really love the two carpets, curtains, and star light I bought from Wayfair. My curtain pole is shit but if it works I wouldn't pay for another, unless I owned this place.

Some tips with Wayfair:

  • Items that aren't on sale are inflated and not worth buying. They're inflated and this is how they probably make a lot of money.

  • Their customer service is known to be trash. Beware. Though, admittedly they were cool when my payment didn't go through and my item got here anyway. They gave me one month to make my payment.

  • Always drag the photos of the item in Google image search. You'll probably find it in other stores. Walmart carries many of their items. Surprisingly, I saw expensive stores sell the same stuff marked up x4-6.

  • Look at photo reviews! Of course, reviews in general... I don't feel like I have been mislead, besides for how I assumed my carpet was printed instead of having the fabric stick up. I still like it though.

This makes me sound like I am pro-Wayfair. The website as a whole is a gamble.

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