WCGW Cross country skiing without knowing how to

Whoooeee I was out cross country skiing with my dog this morning and we almost had a smash bang with a very experienced skier. For some reason this track only has one set of tracks (the others we go to have 2 sets so we can go different directions) and the other side is groomed for skating.

We were on the tracks going uphill and she popped up over and he hill going really fast against us. Thankfully she wasn’t on the tracks, but the pup got excited and tried to run to meet her - she was too fast for me to pull him in. Damn it was pure luck that he ran out of leash - I keep it shorter. She was cursing and so was I lol.

I will say, we have downhills down. I keep on ski in the tracks and I take the other ski out and pizza a little to slow the pup down. He can get us going really damn fast down the hills and keeping a ski out of the tracks adds tension to the leash and allows me to react in case there someone below or around a bend.

/r/Whatcouldgowrong Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it